This week, the Ministry of Tourism was waiting for the final approval of the Corona headquarters for the issuance of a tourist visa, after a suspension of about a year, but now the National Anti-Corona Headquarter announces that the entry rules for foreign tourists have become stricter and travel restrictions to Iran escalated. The Ministry […]
Ganj Ali Khan, was a military leader and governor of Kerman, Sīstan, and Qandahar under Shah ʿAbbas I (996-1038/1588-1629). He was present at the head of his Kermani forces in many battles. Ganj Ali Khan is best remembered for his building activities that included the Zayn al-Din caravansary in Yazd, the Kabutar-ḵan caravansary, and the […]
The term Persian Gardens refers to formal palace or pleasure gardens of the Middle Ages and modern times in Iran and neighboring regions. There are also mostly irrigated vegetable gardens and orchards in Persia, but these do not fall under this term. Garden design is a basic part of Persian culture. This had such an […]
As Modern Persia makes a push to increase inbound tourism, the Guardian takes a look at Iran’s top tourist destinations – from ancient cities and beach resorts, to its modern capital and skiing destinations. Iran’s top tourist destinations: Persepolis (Takht-e-Jamshid), the capital of the Achaemenid empire and one of the world’s most magnificent ancient sites, […]
The Sassanid Empire was the second great Persian empire of ancient times. The name of the empire, whose own designation was Iranshahr, is derived from the last pre-Islamic Persian dynasty of the Sassanids. In medieval Shahname, the dynasty is named after Papak or Babak. The son (in other versions: the father) of the ancestor Sasan. […]
Since the beginning of planet the earth! Iranian people have the most cared about their hygiene. The very first records for the use of Iranian Hammams date back as far as 3000 B.C. taking a bath in old Iran has required much effort for it had some procedure that one should obey. Bathrooms or Iranian […]
The much more popular currency in Iran is Toman. This is the name of ten rials. Almost all Iranian price tags are written in Tomans. All financial negotiations are conducted in the same units. It takes some getting used to. In the course of the substitution of prices in rials for tomans, the amount of […]
For women who travel to Iran for the first time, the Islamic dress code prescribed there is probably the biggest headache in advance. What is the Islamic Dress Code? In Iran, the Sharia and thus also the Islamic dress code ( hijab ) applies. For women, this means that they must keep all parts of their bodies covered except […]
Shab-e-Yalda or Shab-e Cheleh is a Persian festival that marks both the longest night of the year and the start of winter. Yalda is one of the four milestones of the Persian Calendar. This is actually the celebration of the winter solstice because the Persian New Year (Nowruz) will be celebrated on March 20 or […]